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API v2


This version of the API is unstable and undergoing active development. The API and its associated documentation are likely to be incomplete and/or incorrect, and may change without notice.


Please reach out to [email protected] to get an API key and instructions on how to provide it in your request headers.


Base URL:

GET meGet your profile data
DEL meDelete your account
GET me/tasksGet all your tasks
POST me/tasksCreate a new task

GET me

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringThe account's unique identifier
namestringUser's full name
emailstringUser's email address
timezonestringUser's current account timezone
integrationsobjectUser's integration settings; currently only Beeminder
has_stripe_customerbooleanWhether the user has a Stripe customer account

Example response:

  "id": "Zu0qDVncIgSuUbQfr261",
  "name": "Jon Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "integrations": {
    "beeminder": {
      "user": "jondoe",
      "goal_new_tasks": "tr_tasks"
  "has_stripe_customer": true

DEL me

Deletes the user's account. This action is irreversible.

GET me/tasks

Returns an array of tasks. This route is paginated.

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringThe task's unique identifier
taskstringThe task description
duenumberUnix timestamp of the task's due date
centsnumberThe task's stakes in cents
completebooleanWhether the task is complete
statusstringThe task's status (pending, complete, expired)

Example response:

    "id": "tdDPzh1GpZHAGZURVBf6",
    "task": "Take out the trash",
    "due": 1614556800,
    "cents": 100,
    "complete": false,
    "status": "pending"

POST me/tasks

Creates a new task. The request body should be a JSON object with the following fields:\

taskstringtrueThe task description
duenumbertrueUnix timestamp of the task's due date
centsnumbertrueThe task's stakes in cents
recurrenceobjectfalseThe task's recurrence settings
recurrence.daysnumbertrueNumber of days between recurrences

On success, the response will be the created task object.

Example response:

  "id": "tdDPzh1GpZHAGZURVBf6",
  "task": "Take out the trash",
  "due": 1614556800,
  "cents": 100,
  "complete": false,
  "status": "pending"